So I was crushed today…Totally kicked in my gut with the reality of something more important than my petty suburbian problems. Riding home in the work truck on a 95 degree afternoon, I hear on the radio a sick statistic released on CNN today – Over 1.2 million children are believed to be involved in child prostitution in India.

As a Christian, I don’t feel I have any right to distance myself from the reality of those words. I can’t pretend like it’s not my issue to work on; I can’t hope that it will go away if I ignore it with other “ministry” stuff. I felt the nauseating weight on my soul demanding that I feel what the Father felt for these kids. I sat on my couch aostitu few hours ago, weeping over India, asking for the country. I know I can’t fix every problem in the world, but I waste time if I don’t respond to the deep of God’s heart calling to the deep of mine. (Ps. 42:7) The cup of suffering that these children feel and what God feels for these people was pressed to my lips, and I drank deeply of it, thereby committing myself to be an extension of the Father’s love for them. My friend Lyle had a vision of this same thing, and I hope he posts it soon –

We want the miracles, signs, wonders, healings, & glory of his kingdom, but are we willing to draw near to His heart & personally identify the sorrow that he has for this dying world? As you read this, there is a certain group in this world that God has called you to – to weep over – to identify with – to become one with. Somewhere out there, a group is lost, broken, dying, in need of you – a father or a mother – to come and help bear their pains, relieve their sufferings, and be the Love of Jesus to them. Who is yours?

Psalm 2:8 – Ask of Me, and I will surely give the nations as Your inheritance, And the very ends of the earth as Your possession.

Indian girl born into a brothel

Indian girl born into a brothel